Sunday, October 27, 2019

You Deserve More

Hey you! Yes you. Give me a minute of your time. Are you still here? Listen: you deserve happiness. 

No one has the right to mistreat you. You don't have accept scorn or ridicule. You are not a doormat. You don't have to tolerate abusive behavior. Thanks for attending my Tedtalk!

Too often comfort causes us to accept treatment we know we shouldn't tolerate. We are convinced that our current situation is better than venturing into the unknown. This happens all the time in personal and professional relationships. All of us have stayed somewhere or with someone too long. Change is scary, but we don't have to let fear have the last word.

It takes courage to step into a new season. They call it a leap of faith for a reason. We are allowed to change the way we think about the future. Instead of finding reasons to fail, why not embrace change and chase destiny? 

You might fail. But in the words of Sameul Beckett, "Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”