I write over two hundred thousand words a year. This number doesn't include texts, Facebook posts or work related emails. Words are my life. I read them. I study them. I work to understand them. I pick my words very carefully.
One of the hardest things about writing is knowing my words can be misunderstood or willfully distorted. With that said, I will never stop writing. I will never stop advocating for the people and causes I believe in. Being popular is a distant second to being free. Too many of us avoid "controversial" subjects because being "liked" is more important than being honest. I'm not that guy. I would rather a person not like me for who I am than "like" me for who they think I am.
For the record: just because I disagree with you about something doesn't mean I dislike you- unless our disagreement is about the oppression and dehumanization of people. We can disagree about complex issues with dignity. I never use profanity to back my arguments, and I avoid ad hominem attacks. Anyone is welcome to agree or disagree.
If my words cause you distress please unfollow; no hard feelings. We are allowed to ignore each other. If you have been part of this from the beginning: respect. I appreciate your support. You helped make it possible for me to have many of the opportunities I have. Those of you who've invested their time and patience in me have helped me gain access to platforms that put my words in front of thousands of readers a week. I'm not on social media for cat pictures and gossip. This is part of my grind. If you rock with me, cool; If not, cool. I promise you my heart will stop beating before I stop writing.