Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Top Three Reasons I Didn't Write About Paul Manafort's Sentence

The irony of me writing about why I'm not writing about this isn't lost on me, but here  goes.

1) My own personal experiences with our two tiered justice system has rendered me incapable of responsibly writing about this lenient sentence without using profanity: I don't use profanity in my writing; unless, I'm quoting someone and it's imperative to providing full context.

2) I'm not in the mood to educate folks who willfully ignore or defend the racial and socioeconomic discrepancies woven into our legal system: that time is always better spent helping people who are sincerely intrested in researching the data and information for themselves.

3) I'm tired of the "illogical fallacies" and "whataboutisms" that doom serious discussions about illegitimate systems of power: these social media "debates" are exercises in futility and tribalism; facts, like the truth, is no longer part of public discourse.

* Honorable Mention 

Y'all already knew how I would feel about it.